Sunday, September 25, 2005

After a fortnight

Hi, I thought I could express my views as early as possible, but coudnot find time to blog. Ok, anyway I thought I could give a link of another blog, which exactly (almost) equal to my love story. Here is a link

Just go through this blog stroy, whcih can describe you about my stroy in a short length of time. Thats all for today........................

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

First time till now

First time in my academic life I didn't slept whole night of 5th. Prof asked me and phani to do some work in designing webpages to make online of ***** details. I thought of sleeping in the morning (6th), but sankar came from vellore to get some project for M.Tech. We went to library to search for project reports. The library book bank in-charge is on leave. He was disappointed and returned back to Vellore. Again I came to lab (with scratch) again I have started to do the remaining work. I was in the lab till 3pm and went back to hostel to sleep. I woke up at 7-45pm (beacause of heavy pain in right leg muscles). Thank god! it went off immediately ( but not fully). I woke up and had my dinner and went to lab again. I worked there till 11pm and cam back to hostel, again i caught in the work of decorating hostel common room for Vinayaka Chaturthi celebrations. I slept at 1 AM(7th) and woke up at 8AM with knocking sound of door from phani..................................................................

Monday, September 5, 2005

Wanna know something new???

First of all I wish u happy Teachers day to all my teachers till now. Today nothing new in life but a bit of philosophy added by prof. Morning as usual getting into heaven(lab) at 8am and Googling on "Monolithic and Micro Kernel". Afternoon we had meeting at 3-30pm and lasts upto 6-pm in the evening. This 2 1/2hr time we had some talk by stupid guy(Raj) and had subject discussion regarding a new framework for OS and it went to philosophy of life...........nothing more than that...................................