Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Domain Hacks

Have ever tried the following web sites?
  1. http://del.icio.us
  2. http://blo.gs
  3. http://doma.in/
  4. http://einste.in/
  5. http://adm.in/
  6. http://fami.ly/
  7. http://the.unique.name/
  8. Vis.as
  9. http://3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592.com/
and even the following mail-ids?
  1. d@v.id
  2. j@m.es
  3. w@y.ne
  4. eg.ch@irman.net
They are called domain and email hacks respectively.

Try your hands at http://xona.com/domainhacks/suggest/ (Domain Hacks) to find your name as domain without top level domains. Look at this also http://websear.ch/

There are Perfect domain hacks like http://del.cio.us and minor domain hacks like http://dr.phil.com/ (Dr. Phil) or http://j.ames.com/ (James)

Isn't funny..............


AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML.

AJAX is a type of programming made popular in 2005 by Google (with Google Suggest).

AJAX is not a new programming language, but a new way to use existing standards.

With AJAX you can create better, faster, and more user-friendly web applications.

AJAX is based on JavaScript and HTTP requests.

Look at the AJAX examples:

  1. http://www.google.com/ig
  2. http://www.pageflakes.com/
  3. http://www.netvibes.com/
  4. http://www.protopage.com/
  5. http://www.webwag.com/
  6. http://www.live.com/
Had flavor of AJAX ?

Friday, May 11, 2007

RSS - What is all the Fuss About?

RSS Stands for Really Simple Syndication. It is used for the specific purpose or conveying information that a website or blog has been updated. It is a standard for publishing regular updates to web-based content. And for the technical, RSS is a Syndication Standard based on a type of XML file that resides on an Internet server. It answers the question "What's New?" for a website or blog.

We can find RSS feeds on almost every website that is updated very frequently. The following logo is almost standard to indicate RSS feed.

Here is a Perl Module to create, read RSS feeds.
For Web masters
You can create RSS feeds for your websites in simple way. You can do it either automatically by a program or manually creating adhering to RSS file format.
More information can be found at the following links:
  1. http://www.rss-specifications.com/steps-create-rss.htm
  2. http://www.rapidfeeds.com/
  3. http://www.feedyes.com
Test your RSS against a validator to make sure it's well-formed XML.
For the End User
If you are an end user, and wants to read the RSS feed available on the net, you can do it so by using feed reader. Feed readers can be either web based or stand alone applications. The following are the webbased applications to read RSS feeds.
The following are the standalone applications that can run on your desktop
Ok lets not get into the geeky world of downloading installing ..blah..blah......blah....So you are a naive user......you can find sites that aggregates the RSS feeds from different sites in different categories..............You can search for desired RSS feeds in the following websites.

  • http://www.feedster.com/
  • http://www.newsonfeeds.com/faq/aggregators
  • http://www.rssmicro.com/
  • http://www.syndic8.com/
  • http://www.search4rss.com/
  • http://www.plazoo.com/

Monday, May 7, 2007

What to do?

Bugging thoughts in mind?
Alone cant do anything?
Cant easily become part of some group?
Still want to achieve goals?
I know the outcomings.
Wht shld I do now?

Sunday, May 6, 2007

ABC of Web 2.0

Buzz word of geeks in the modern era of technology. I happened to read book on web2.0 while downloading e-Book. It is not a single technology like .NET or Java. It is collection of technologies to give a beautiful look to Web and be able to create rich applications. The following are the three layers that constitute the Web2.0
  1. Social Layer
  2. Architectural Layer
  3. Technical Layer
  1. Socal Layer: The social layer of Web 2.0 is about making the Web a read/write web again. For some, this goal is motivated by philanthropic or political reasons: everyone should be able to express his or her ideas. For others, the motivation is financial: if the growth of the number of web readers is deemed to slow down, the growth of the Web can only be fueled by the growth of the number of people that create content on the Web. The business models of Web 2.0 sites differ on the way to convert content into actual revenues, but they share the fact that their content is created by their users, and this is the most distinctive characteristic of a Web 2.0 site.
  2. Architectural Layer: The ability of using the Web as a platform can be seen as the architectural layer of web2.0. This is the consequence of the Social Layer; if you want to give write access to all your users you can’t rely on anything that isn’t installed (or installable) on any platform they might be using. That limits the prerequisite for Web 2.0 applications to a relatively recent version of a web browser. Furthermore, due to most needed security constraints, web applications have very limited access to files and data stored ontheir users’ computers. That means that Web 2.0 applications have not much alternative to considering that the platform on which they run is the Web! This has made Web2.0 to deliver everything throught browser (Web). Examples of them are Google Docs, Live Office, YouOS etc...
  3. Technical Layer: This layer of web2.0 decides the richness of your application on the web. This layer mainly consists of three parts. First thing is about client side programming, nothing but the browser where most of your web applications are visible. The second part is nothing but the underlying protocols that makes it possible to communicate with the others on the web. The third part is the server side processing, ultiamately this is where client requests are processed :). HTML, XHTML, DHTML, CSS, Javascript and AJAX constitute first part of the technical layer in web2.0. SOAP, REST, HTTP-PUT are second part of technical layer. Creating webservices, mashups, serving XML over HTTP etc constitute third part of technical layer of web2.0.
This is just an overview of what I understood about Web2.0.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Health ... different ways of looking within....

Health as we know, is of utmost important for any creature on this earth, without which one can't survive easily. Today I heard across the different kinds of health that a creature can possess (at least human beings). They are:
  1. Spiritual Health
  2. Mental Health
  3. Physical Health
Spiritual(ity) Health is something that indicates the health of your soul. Spiritual health can be affected with or without a reason. Mental Health on the other hand is caused by the emotions or feel on something. This depends on ones spiritual health as well. Physical health as you all know is seen by everyone. This show the status of your physical body. Running nose, stomach pain, fracture etc are some of the examples. Love failure, scolded by someone, etc are the example of mental health. I don't know the examples of spiritual health. I guess even we can't identify them.

Among these three, spiritual health decides most of your health status. From top to bottom, the above order shows the importance that once should give.

Keep your self out of danger, with a clear and unsound soul.............. :)