Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Domain Hacks

Have ever tried the following web sites?
  1. http://del.icio.us
  2. http://blo.gs
  3. http://doma.in/
  4. http://einste.in/
  5. http://adm.in/
  6. http://fami.ly/
  7. http://the.unique.name/
  8. Vis.as
  9. http://3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592.com/
and even the following mail-ids?
  1. d@v.id
  2. j@m.es
  3. w@y.ne
  4. eg.ch@irman.net
They are called domain and email hacks respectively.

Try your hands at http://xona.com/domainhacks/suggest/ (Domain Hacks) to find your name as domain without top level domains. Look at this also http://websear.ch/

There are Perfect domain hacks like http://del.cio.us and minor domain hacks like http://dr.phil.com/ (Dr. Phil) or http://j.ames.com/ (James)

Isn't funny..............

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